Craigmore seafront
A little opportunism! For whatever reason, the Council haven’t cut most of the roadside sward on the Rothesay seafront for well over a month. Local opinion is divided; some people are delighted to see this blossoming of wildflowers and grasses while others regard the lack of maintenance as a disgrace in a town that has been noted for its well-maintained gardens for over 150 years.
Those parts of the seafront that are never cut have always provided an interesting range of plants, though increasingly dominated by the sprawling, yellow Sea Radish. But, this year, the grassy sward that is normally mown is also providing an array of colour and a delightful display of grasses in flower.
Cat's-ear and Ribwort Plantain
The distance covered by this walk is a mere 500 yards, starting at the Craigmore pier (GR NS104655) and moving eastwards. Take your time and you can find over 70 species, nearly all of them now in flower. They are the usual species that are likely to be found on a coastal stretch such as this, but their impact this year is exceptional.
SelfhealI can well understand the view that a grassy sward that is left uncut, with Docks and Sorrell starting to make their presence felt, is a sign of neglect and, unquestionably, the area will become unsightly if the ‘hay crop’ is not picked up after it has eventually been mown. But there is a solution which, if implemented in future years, would surely be acceptable to most people: mow part of the sward regularly, perhaps creating pathways, and leave the rest to flower. Such an approach clearly indicates that the area is not simply being neglected and, provided the uncut area is tidied up after eventually being mown, it could well become an annual attraction in its own right.
Heading east
Anyway, here’s what I saw today – it averages out at one new species for every seven yards of travel and shows that you don’t always need to go far to enjoy a diverse range of species!
Bramble |
Rubus fruticosus agg. |
Broad Buckler-fern |
Dryopteris dilatata |
Broad-leaved Dock |
Rumex obtusifolius |
Broad-leaved Willowherb |
Epilobium montanum |
Buck's-horn Plantain |
Plantago coronopus |
Cat's-ear |
Hypochaeris radicata |
Cleavers |
Galium aparine |
Cocksfoot |
Dactylis glomerata |
Colt's-foot |
Tussilago farfara |
Common Bent |
Agrostis capillaris |
Common Bird's-foot-trefoil |
Lotus corniculatus |
Common Couch |
Elytrigia repens |
Common Hemp-nettle |
Galeopsis tetrahit |
Common Mouse-ear |
Cerastium fontanum |
Common Nettle |
Urtica dioica |
Common Ramping-fumitory |
Fumaria muralis |
Common Saltmarsh-grass |
Puccinellia maritima |
Common Sorrel |
Rumex acetosa |
Creeping Buttercup |
Ranunculus repens |
Crested Dog's-tail |
Cynosurus cristatus |
Curled Dock |
Rumex crispus |
Daisy |
Bellis perennis |
Dandelion |
Taraxacum officinale agg. |
Dotted Loosestrife |
Lysimachia punctata |
False Oat-grass |
Arrhenatherum elatius |
Field Horsetail |
Equisitum arvense |
Germander Speedwell |
Veronica chamaedrys |
Greater Bird's-foot-trefoil |
Lotus pedunculatus |
Greater Plantain |
Plantago major |
Hedge Bindweed |
Calystegia sepium |
Herb Robert |
Geranium robertianum |
Hogweed |
Heracleum spondylium |
Ivy-leaved Toadflax |
Cymbalaria muralis |
Knapweed |
Centaurea nigra |
Lady's-smock |
Cardamine pratensis |
Lesser Stitchwort |
Stellaria graminea |
Lesser Yellow-trefoil |
Trifolium dubium |
Lyme Grass |
Leymus arenarius |
Marsh Foxtail |
Alopecurus geniculatus |
Meadow Buttercup |
Ranunculus acris |
Meadow Vetchling |
Lathyrus pratensis |
Nipplewort |
Lapsana communis |
Orache |
Atriplex agg. |
Ox-eye Daisy |
Leucanthemum vulgare |
Perennial Rye-grass |
Lolium perenne |
Prickly Sowthistle |
Sonchus asper |
Procumbent Pearlwort |
Sagina procumbens |
Ragwort |
Senecio jacobaea |
Red Clover |
Trifolium pratense |
Red fescue |
Festuca rubra agg. |
Ribwort Plantain |
Plantago lanceolata |
Rosebay Willowherb |
Chamerion angustifolium |
Rough Meadow-grass |
Poa trivialis |
Scurvygrass |
Cochlearia officinalis |
Sea Mayweed |
Tripleurospermum maritimum |
Sea Milkwort |
Glaux maritima |
Sea Plantain |
Plantago maritima |
Sea Radish |
Raphanus raphanistrum |
Sea Sandwort |
Honkenya peploides |
Selfheal |
Prunella vulgaris |
Silverweed |
Potentilla anserina |
Smooth Hawk's-beard |
Crepis capillaris |
Smooth Sowthistle |
Sonchus oleraceus |
Sweet Vernal-grass |
Anthoxanthum odoratum |
Tall Fescue |
Schedonorus arundinaceus |
Thrift |
Armeria maritima |
White Clover |
Trifolium repens |
Yarrow |
Achillea millefolium |
Yorkshire Fog |
Holcus lanatus |