On a glorious June morning, the rocky headland that is Dunagoil makes an impressive sight, but no less impressive is the range of wild flowers that can be seen in the course of a short, easy walk from the road to the caves at its northern end. Start at the layby about half a mile before the end of the Plan road, where there is an information board erected by the Bute Conservation Trust (GR NS088537).
Brooklime and Watercress
Within the first 50 yards after going through the gate you can see at least 25 different species in flower! The plant with blue flowers and large leaves in the burn on the right is Brooklime, a member of the Speedwell family, while the abundant white flowers are those of Watercress.
Follow the track down the gentle slope and after the second gate veer right so as to stay on the raised beach, the level ground between the cliff at the northern end of Dunagoil and the sea. Here are some of the many flowers you can see on this species-rich stretch of coastline, categorised by colour.
White: Pignut, Heath Bedstraw, English Stonecrop, Sea Campion;
Thrift and Sea Campion
English Stonecrop
Red/pink/purple: Red Campion, Ragged-robin, Wild Thyme, Thrift, Northern Marsh-orchid, Foxglove;
Wild Thyme and Bird's-foot Trefoil
Heath Bedstraw and Mouse-ear Hawkweed
Yellow: Tormentil, Mouse-ear Hawkweed, Silverweed, Bird’s-foot Trefoil, Yellow Flag Iris; Blue: Germander Speedwell, Heath Milkwort.
Thrift, Mouse-ear Hawkweed and Wood Sage
Yellow Flag Iris
Wall PennywortThe raised beach ends with a mass of Yellow Flag Iris and views across to Arran.
As well as inspecting the two caves under the cliff here, have a look on the rock face for Wall Pennywort, a plant that, as here, usually favours north-facing locations.
On the way back, take a short detour to the start of the rocky coastline on the other side of Dunagoil Bay. Walking on this part of the coast is very hard going because of the dense cover of Gorse, Burnet Rose and stunted sycamore.
Dunagoil Bay
Bloody Crane's-bill
But it’s well worthwhile making the effort for just a very short distance to see one of the less common species to be found on the island, Bloody Crane’s-bill. The base-rich rocks here provide it with a suitable habitat.
The list of plants in flower for this walk is unusually long, but it’s still far from comprehensive!
Bloody Crane's-bill | Geranium sanguineum |
Brooklime | Veronica beccabunga |
Burnet Rose | Rosa spinosissima |
Cleavers | Galium aparine |
Common Bird's-foot-trefoil | Lotus corniculatus |
Common Chickweed | Stellaria media |
Common Mouse-ear | Cerastium fontanum |
Common Nettle | Urtica dioica |
Common Sorrel | Rumex acetosa |
Corn Spurrey | Spergula arvensis |
Creeping Buttercup | Ranunculus repens |
Creeping Thistle | Cirsium arvense |
Curled Dock | Rumex crispus |
Daisy | Bellis perennis |
English stonecrop | Sedum anglicum |
Foxglove | Digitalis purpurea |
Germander Speedwell | Veronica chamaedrys |
Gorse | Ulex europaeus |
Groundsel | Senecio vulgaris |
Heath Bedstraw | Galium saxatile |
Heath Milkwort | Polygala serpyllifolia |
Hemlock Water-dropwort | Oenanthe crocata |
Herb Robert | Geranium robertianum |
Honeysuckle | Lonicera periclymenum |
Lady's-smock | Cardamine pratensis |
Lousewort | Pedicularis sylvatica |
Marsh Bedstraw | Galium palustre |
Marsh Thistle | Cirsium palustre |
Meadow Buttercup | Ranunculus acris |
Mouse-ear-hawkweed | Pilosella officinarum |
Northern Marsh Orchid | Dactylorhiza purpurella |
Pignut | Conopodium majus |
Pineappleweed | Matricaria discoidea |
Prickly Sowthistle | Sonchus asper |
Ragged-robin | Silene flos-cuculi |
Red Dead-nettle | Lamium purpureum |
Red Campion | Silene dioica |
Red-shank | Persicaria maculosa |
Sea Campion | Silene uniflora |
Sea Radish | Raphanus raphanistrum ssp maritimus |
Shepherd's-purse | Capsella bursa-pastoris |
Silverweed | Potentilla anserina |
Spear Thistle | Cirsium vulgare |
Thrift | Armeria maritima |
Tormentil | Potentilla erecta |
Tufted Forget-me-not | Myosotis laxa |
Tufted Vetch | Vicia cracca |
Wall Pennywort | Umbilicus rupestris |
Water-cress | Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum |
Wavy Bittercress | Cardamine flexuosa |
White Clover | Trifolium repens |
Wild onion | Allium vineale |
Wild Thyme | Thymus polytrichus |
Wood Sage | Teucrium scorodonia |
Yellow Flag | Iris pseudacorus |